Pie in 2D Part of FusionCharts XT
The pie 2D chart comprises of a circle that is divided into sectors, each representing a proportion of the summation of all values in a dataset. The chart is useful in depicting the share of constituents as part of the whole. The magnitude of the dependent variable is proportional to the length of the arc on the circumference of the graph. Radial lines are used to connect the arcs to the center of the circle, thus dividing the pie into slices. It is used to show the percentage split or contribution of for instance split of sales by product category, or market share of brands in a particular industry.
Best Practices for Pie in 2D Chart :
- Avoid using too many values in a single pie chart as it clutters the visualization.
- This chart works best with a few constituents. Place the largest slices from the top (like on a clock) and work your way around the circle. Collectively, the data should add up to 100%.